Kauses4Kids, Inc. Esteemed Board Members:
2019 – 2020

Tonya R. Oliver
Having earned several degrees, Tonya is a registered NHA (Nursing Home Administrator) and is our current interim Board Chair. As a graduate of the historic Bethune Cookman University in Daytona, Florida she has also earned degrees in registered nursing as well as business administration. A leader who genuinely wants to see others (namely kids) succeed in spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Walter S. Szablewski
An initial supporter of Kauses4kids, Walt has made himself available for the organization since the beginning; being present whenever and wherever needed. Earning his MA in Human Resources from Rollins College and also Honors Graduate from Capella University with a Master’s in Mental Health Counseling, Masters Certification in Substance Abuse and Family and Couples Counseling. He is a registered Mental Health Clinician with the State of Florida. As an avid child advocate, Walt believes in reaching out to assist others, namely kids who are under- represented.

Eloise A. Abrahams
As a registered nurse with nearly 35+ years experience in Health Care Administration, Mrs. Abrahams has dedicated her entire life , vocational and otherwise to tending to the needs of others. With decades experience in health care administration, she has received numerous awards and accolades for her service and leadership in the health care field. She offers a wealth of knowledge and experience in leadership and service in order to benefit Kauses4Kids, Inc.

Stevie Oliver
As a former Bethune Cookman University [Wildcat] football player, Mr. Oliver earned his degree in Education, and more recently earned his graduate degree. As the current Dean (Olympia High School in Windermere, FL) he has over twenty years experience working with kids; many of his current and former students respectfully refer to him as “Coach Oliver.” He and his wife are thr proud parents of a son, yet despite being a busy educator and father, Stevie always makes time to be available for his students.

Jay Forte
Jay Forte, a former financial executive and corporate educator, now business and motivational speaker, workplace and life coach, and author, is a nationally ranked Thought Leader and President of The Greatness Zone LLC. Jay guides organizations – their leaders and managers – in how to attract, hire and retain today’s best talent. He also coaches individuals in how to reconnect to their talents and passions to achieve extraordinary personal and professional performance.

Joan Schwebel
Dr. Joan Ostrow Schwebel is retired from a 45-year career in teaching (her passion), administration, and research. She holds BS and MS degrees in biology from the University of Miami (Florida) and a doctorate in physiology and biochemistry from Texas A&M University. Over her long career she taught classes ranging from second-grade to university, and has numerous publications to her credit. Dr. Schwebel is no stranger to charitable organizations and is currently serving as President of the Amaranth Diabetes Research Foundation Board of Directors. She resides in Winter Park, Florida.

Vivian Harris
Vivian Gatewood Davis, currently serves in the capacity as a Middle School Teacher with Orange County Public Schools. Vivian has over 20 years of corporate experience in Management, in which she enjoyed assisting employees in their career growth and development. Vivian has a BS in Business Management and an MBA in Administration. Vivian believes strongly in the montra that “it takes a village to raise a child”. As part of the this village, Vivian is committed to ensuring each child we interact with sees themselves as they wish to be and helping them to make choices to support furtherance of of those goals.